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GAMERSLIVE.FRTenacity Podcast : The Perfect LoafTenacity Podcast : The Perfect Loaf0 Reacties 0 aandelen
HURIHAA.MVވީއައިއޭއިން 140 ސިނގިރޭޓް ކާޓޫން ނެރުނު މައްސަލަ ކަސްޓަމްސް އިން ބަލަނީވެލާނާ އިންޓަނޭޝަނަލް އެއާޕޯޓުން މިއަދު 140 ސިނގިރޭޓް ކާޓޫން ނެރުނު މައްސަލަ ބަލަމުން އަންނަ ކަމަށް ކަސްޓަމްސް އިން ބުނެފި އެވެ. ކަސްޓަމްސް އިން މިރޭ އެކްސްގައި ބުނީ ވީއައިއޭގެ ޑިޕާޗާ ޓާމިނަލުން މިއަދު ނެރުނު ޑަސްބިން ބޭގްތަ ޗެކްކުރިއިރު، ސިނގިރޭޓް ކާޓޫންތަކެއް ފެނުނު މައްސަލަ ބަލަމުން އަންނަ ކަމަށެވެ. އެނގިފައިވާގޮތުގައި އެ ސިނގިރޭޓް ކާޓޫންތަކަކީ އެތަނުގެ ޑިއުޓީ ފްރީ ފިހާރައިން ނެރުނު އެއްޗިހިތަކެކެވެ. އެތަކެތި ނެރުނީ އެއާޕޯޓްގައި މަސައްކަތްކުރާ ފުލުހެކެވެ. ސިނގިރޭޓްގެ ޑިއުޓީ...0 Reacties 0 aandelen
HURIHAA.MVފަޒުލް އާއި އޭނާގެ ބޭބެ ޕާސްޕޯޓް ދޫކޮށްލައިފިއެޗްޑީސީގެ ކުރީގެ މެނޭޖިން ޑިރެކްޓަރު އިބްރާހީމް ފަޒުލް ރަޝީދުގެ ބޭބެއަށް ބިންވެރިޔާ ސްކީމްގެ ދަށުން ގޯތި ލިބިފައި ނުވަނީސް، ގޯތި ކަނޑާފައި ދިން މައްސަލައާ ގުޅިގެން ހިފެހެއްޓި ޕާސްޕޯޓްތައް ދޫކޮށްލައިފި އެވެ. އެމްޑަބްލިޔުއެސްސީގެ ޑެޕިއުޓީ މެނޭޖިން ޑިރެކްޓަރަކަށް ހުންނެވި ފަޒުލްގެ ބޭބެ މުހައްމަދު ފަޒީލް ރަޝީދަށް ވަގަށް ގޯތި ދިން މައްސަލައާ ގުޅިގެން ފަޒުލް އާއި ފަޒީލްގެ ޕާސްޕޯޓް ހިފެހެއްޓިއެވެ. މިކަމާ ބެހޭގޮތުން ސުވާލުކުރުމުން ފުލުހުން ބުނީ އެ މައްސަލާގައި ހިފެހެއްޓި ޕާސްޕޯޓްތައް...0 Reacties 0 aandelen
Trump Administration Plans to Freeze Family-Planning GrantsThe Trump administration is moving to freeze tens of millions of dollars in federal family-planning grants to certain organizations while it investigates whether the money was used for diversity efforts, people familiar with the matter said.0 Reacties 0 aandelen
Jeffrey Goldberg on the Group Chat That Broke the InternetIt’s happened to the best of us. We mistakenly send a text about a colleague we are mad at to that very colleague. We accidentally include our mom on the sibling text chain about our mom. Today on Radio Atlantic, a much higher-stakes texting error: The Atlantic’s editor in chief, Jeffrey Goldberg, received a connection request on Signal from a “Michael Waltz,” which is the name of President Donald Trump’s national security adviser. Two days later, he was added to a...0 Reacties 0 aandelen
Sleepwalking Into a Cashless SocietyPhilip Lane, chief economist of the European Central Bank, recently expressed urgency for the need to develop a digital euro—also known as a central bank digital currency (CBDC)—to compete against stablecoins such as Tether and electronic payment systems developed by U.S. tech firms, such as Google Pay and Apple Pay. Not content with eliminating cash, now the goal of central banks is to eliminate any competing electronic payment system. We're sleepwalking into a world with digital currencies...0 Reacties 0 aandelen
USPS Postmaster General Louis DeJoy steps down after five yearsUnited States Postal Service Postmaster General Louis DeJoy stepped down from his role Monday. DeJoy was nearing his fifth year in the role and left his 10-year plan for the organization for his successor to accomplish. Meanwhile, President Donald Trump has teased his own plan to privatize the service.0 Reacties 0 aandelen