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HURIHAA.MVއުޝާމްގެ ޕޯސްޓެއް ސޯޝަލް މީޑިއާގައި ފަތުރަން ރައީސް މުއިއްޒު އަންގަވައިފިއެންމެ ގިނައިން ފަނޑިޔާރުންގެ މައްސަލަ ބެލީ އެމްޑީޕީ ސަރުކާރުގައި ކަމަށް ބުނެ، އެޓާނީޖެނެރަލް އަހްމަދު އުޝާމް އެކްސްގައި ކުރެއްވި ޕޯސްޓް ރީޓްވީޓްކޮށް ސޯޝަލް މީޑިއާގައި އެ ވާހަކަ ފަތުރަން ރައީސް ޑރ. މުހައްމަދު މުއިއްޒު އަންގަވައިފިއެވެ. އުޝާމް މިއަދު ވަނީ ޖޭއެސްސީން މައްސަލަ ބެލިގޮތުގެ ތަފާސް ހިސާބެއް އެކްސްގައި ހިއްސާކުރައްވާފަ އެވެ. އޭގައި ބުނާގޮތުން އެންމެ ގިނައިން ފަނޑިޔާރުންގެ މައްސަލަތައް ބެލީ މިދިޔަ ސަރުކާރުންނެވެ. އުޝާމްގެ އެ ޕޯސްޓާ ގުޅިގެން ގިނަ ބަޔަކު...0 Commentaires 0 Parts
HURIHAA.MVއަޒްމިރަލްދާ އާއި މަހާޒުގެ ސުލޫކީ މައްސަލައަކީ މީހަކަށް ބެވިއަޑު އަހަން އިނުން!ސުޕްރީމް ކޯޓުގެ ފަނޑިޔާރު އަޒްމިރަލްދާ ޒާހިރު އާއި ފަނޑިޔާރު މަހާޒު އަލީ ޒާހިރާ ގުޅޭގޮތުން ޖޭއެސްސީން ބަލާ ދެވަނަ މައްސަލައަކީ ކުރީގެ ފަނޑިޔާރު ހުސްނުއްސުއޫދު މީހަކަށް ބެވިއިރު، އަޑުއަހަން އިނުންކަން "ހުރިހާ"އަށް އެނގިއްޖެ އެވެ. އަޒްމިރަލްދާ އާއި މަހާޒުގެ ސުލޫކީ މައްސަލައެއް ނުފެނުމުން ސަރުކާރުން ގެންދަނީ ޖޭއެސްސީ ލައްވައި އެ ދެ ބޭފުޅުން ފްރޭމްކުރުމުގެ ގޮތުން ކޮންމެވެސް ގޮޅިއަކަށް ފެއްތުމުގެ މަސައްކަތް ފަށައިފަ އެވެ. އެންމެ ފުރަތަމަ ބަލަން ފެށި ސުލޫކީ މައްސަލައަކީ...0 Commentaires 0 Parts
YUBNUB.NEWSTrump Strips Russia Hoax Law Firm of Security Clearance and Power-Hungry Creeps Cry FoulYesterday, we told you about President Trump revoking the security clearance of a law firm involved with the Russia hoax (as he should). Now, they have responded and they are not happy. Advertisement…0 Commentaires 0 Parts
YUBNUB.NEWS“Nuclear Tornado” Set to Hit These 13 CitiesWarning… this is not a drill… According to our Homeland Security… These 13 cities are on the path of what can only be described as a “nuclear tornado.” If you live in one of these locations……0 Commentaires 0 Parts
YUBNUB.NEWSUS Stopping All Federal Funding to South Africa: TrumpThe South African government said it was not going to ‘partake in counterproductive megaphone diplomacy.’The United States is stopping all federal funding to South Africa, President Donald Trump said…0 Commentaires 0 Parts
YUBNUB.NEWS‘There Was Nobody’: Trump Says He Was Shocked After Asking Freed Israeli Hostages if Anyone in Gaza Ever Showed Them an Act of KindnessPresident Trump, in a candid moment reflecting on his recent meeting with eight Israeli hostages freed from Hamas, says he was “shocked” to hear them say that not a single person in Gaza showed them…0 Commentaires 0 Parts
YUBNUB.NEWSTrump Says Reciprocal Tariffs Coming for Canadian Lumber and DairyPresident Donald Trump says he will place reciprocal tariffs on Canadian lumber and dairy products as early as March 7.“Canada has been ripping us off for years on tariffs for lumber and for dairy products,”…0 Commentaires 0 Parts
YUBNUB.NEWSTransgender Mouse Obliterates Female Mouse In Laboratory MMA EventLAS VEGAS, NV — Staff members at a local scientific research facility were shocked into silence yesterday, as a transgender mouse tragically ended the career of a mouse that was assigned female at birth…0 Commentaires 0 Parts
YUBNUB.NEWSState Department Begins Canceling Visas of Pro-Terror Students, Plans To Use AI To Identify Visa-Holding Hamas SympathizersThe State Department, in its first move to follow through on one of President Trump’s more aggressive approaches to tackling campus antisemitism, has canceled the visa of a foreign student who participated…0 Commentaires 0 Parts