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GAMERSLIVE.FRALORS LÀ JE M'Y ATTENDAIS PAS DU TOUT ! (Robocop Rogue City, Hell is Us, Styx Blades of Greed...)ALORS LÀ JE M'Y ATTENDAIS PAS DU TOUT ! (Robocop Rogue City, Hell is Us, Styx Blades of Greed...)0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
HURIHAA.MVފުރައްސާރައިގެ މައްސަލައެއް ބޭނުންކޮށްގެން އަލީ ރަޝީދު ސަރުކާރުގެ ކޮންޓްރޯލްގެ ދަށަށްސުޕްރީމް ކޯޓުގެ ފަނޑިޔާރު އަލީ ރަޝީދު ހުސައިންގެ މައްޗަށް ތުހުމަތު ކުރެވޭ ޖިންސީ ފުރައްސާރައިގެ މައްސަލައެއް ބަލައި ފިޔަވަޅު އަޅާނެ ކަމުގެ ބިރުދައްކައިގެން އޭނާ ސަރުކާރުގެ ކޮންޓްރޯލްގެ ދަށަށް ގެނެސްފި އެވެ. "ހުރިހާ"އާ ވާހަކަދެއްކެވި ސަރުކާރުގެ އޮފިޝަލަކު ވިދާޅުވީ ސުޕްރީމް ކޯޓުގައި މަސައްކަތް ކުރާ އަންހެން މުވައްޒަފަކަށް ފަނޑިޔާރު އަލީ ރަޝީދު ޖިންސީ ފުރައްސާރަކުރި މައްސަލައެއް އެބައޮތް ކަމަށެވެ. އަދި އެ މައްސަލަ ބޭނުންކޮށްގެން ސަރުކާރުން ވަނީ އޭނާ ކޮންޓްރޯލްކޮށްފައި ކަމަށް...0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
HURIHAA.MVއެމްއައިބީއަށް 14 އަހަރުރާއްޖޭގެ އިސްލާމީ މާލީ ނިޒާމުގެ ފެށުން އަދި އިސްލާމީ އުސޫލުން މާލީ ހިދުމަތްދޭ އެންމެ ބޮޑު އިދާރާ ކަމަށްވާ މޯލްޑިވްސް އިސްލާމިކް ބޭންކަށް 14 އަހަރު ފުރިއްޖެ އެވެ. ކުޑަ ގޮތަކަށް ވިޔަފާރި ފެށި މި ބޭންކު ރާއްޖޭގައި ކާމިޔާބުވާނެ ކަމާއިމެދު އޭރު ބައެއް ބޭފުޅުންގެ ހިތުގައު ޝައްކުތަކެއް އޮތް ނަމަވެސް އެންމެ 14 އަހަރު ތެރޭގައި އެ ބޭންކުން ވަނީ ޒަމާންވީ ބޭންކުތަށް ފަހަތައް ޖައްސާލާ ރާއްޖޭގެ ބޭންކިންގައި...0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
YUBNUB.NEWSFather of 13-Year-Old Cancer Survivor Recognized by Trump Calls Out MSNBC Hosts for Disgusting CommentsWhen I wore a younger man's clothes, there were certain rules that politicians were supposed to follow.In addition to rules about not mentioning a wife's drunkenness or a kid's drug addiction, it just…0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
YUBNUB.NEWSIsraeli Emphasizes That Gazans Don’t Want Peace, Won’t Accept ItAn Israeli politician is calling international attention to the fact that Hamas and the jihad-loving “Palestinians” don’t want peace and will not accept any lasting agreement. Israel has spent nearly…0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
YUBNUB.NEWSWorst Putin Puppet Ever: Trump Threatens Russia With SanctionsFor years, Democrats have smeared Trump as a Russian asset, a puppet of Putin, and even accused him of colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election. They’ve also been quick to criticize his blunt…0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
YUBNUB.NEWSUH OH! Even Jimmy Kimmel is Mocking the Democrats' Cringe-Tastic BehaviorYesterday we told you that some House Democrats who decided to follow up their insane and inappropriate behavior during President Trump's speech to a joint session of Congress Tuesday night by embarrassing…0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
YUBNUB.NEWSChicago Democrat Wants Law That Lets Suspects Assault Cops[unable to retrieve full-text content]The following article, Chicago Democrat Wants Law That Lets Suspects Assault Cops, was first published on Conservative Firing Line. A Chicago Democrat wants a new…0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri
YUBNUB.NEWSNewsom Refuses To Protect Women’s Sports Days After Saying It’s ‘Unfair’ For Men To CompeteCalifornia Gov. Gavin Newsom refuses to protect women’s sports just days after he claimed it was “unfair” for men to play in women’s sports. In a podcast featuring Turning Point founder Charlie…0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri